The Sewing Workshop

The sewing workshop started up in 2006 with the aim of educate for free seamstresses ​and also produce designs for selling. 

Up til now in 2022 all in all 40 seamstresses has been graduated from our workshop. 

The tailor Huzeru is the leader of the workshop and the education.   

During the weekend the sewing apprentices train their skills at the workshop.

The graduation ceremony for a group of the seamstresses after tree years of training is a huge event. Donations from Denmark provide the graduates with sewing machines and tool kits to start up their own small workshops in Tamale.  The pictures are from the ceremony in 2020. 

Tamale Youth Home​ Cultural Group

​State Street, former Regional Administration Road Tamale,

Northern Region - Ghana

​P.O. Box 601, Tamale, Ghana, West Africa

​Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed, Group-leader: Tel. +233 244708222 /+233 203636908

​Ibrahim Zakaria, Assistant leader: Tel.  +233 242315820

All photos can be copied with reference to this homepage