2022. Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed, Director of Youth Home Handicraft & Cultural Shop, was awarded as Outstanding Culturalpreneur by National Youth Authority. The justification was his contribution to Youth Empowerment, Socio-economic development and Promotion of Northern Ghanian Culture. The Awarding Ceremony took place at 25th of June 2022 at University of Development, Tamale. 

             The Apprentices at the Sewing Workshop with the Award​

                            Abdul-Rahaman, wearing his new smock, and Ibrahim ​           with the award document

2017-2018. A collaborative project financed by The Civil Society Fund in Denmark and the Danish Friendship Association titled Cultural Awareness - a tool for sustainable development among young people in Tamale Ghana was conducted in 2017-18. The aim of this project was to make it possible for more young people in Tamale around Youth Home to improve their finances, better their living conditions and to safeguard that TYHCG in the future is an example for children and young people as well. The immediate objectives are contributing to the development of TYHCG by (1) further development of the sewing workshop at Youth Home, (2) establishing an office for cultural promotion and tourism and (3) the further development of the organisation of TYHCG which combines the activities of the sewing workshop and the office for cultural promotion and tourism. The project was run in cooperation with the Danish Organization.

The project started in January 2017. Workshops and training has taken place during 2017 for the sewing workshop as well as for the tour guide group. Tamale Cultural Tours office opened at a ceremony in September 2017 and the sewing group presented their new designs.     

2016. From the Danish company DanaWeb (now Group Online) we recieved a sponsorship for the creation, development and maintenance of a new homepage​

2015. The Civil Society Fund and the Danish Friendship Association supported a trip to Denmark for four members. 

2014. Our group received the Danish Ambassador´s Award for being the best cultural project in Ghana.

2014. Our group was a part of the project Singing and dance for Health together with University of Alberta. Link to​

2012. A container was sent from Denmark through the Danish Friendship Association with hospital equipment, computers and school furnitures.

2012. We, 13 members of the group,  visited Denmark in the project Put Your Hands Together financed by Center for Cultural Development. The group performed together with students from Egedal Music School in contemporary dances.

2011-13. A collaborative project financed by Center for Cultural Development in Denmark was conducted in 2011-13. A partnership between TYHCG and Egedal Music School started the project Developing traditional music and dance in Dagbon. The group taught drumming and dance in 6 Tamale Schools and it was a great success.

2011. The Danish Friendship Association was founded with the aim of supporting the activities of TYHCG. Reference to Friendship Association.  


2007-2009. Our group recieved 3 project fundings from Ghana Cultural Fund in order to develop various activities and to start contemporary music project.


2006.  Our group has recieved grants from Ghana Cultural Fund and The Royal Embassy of Denmark. The grant enabled the building of a new stage, renovation of the club house, the building af workshops, toilet and bathing facilities and an office with computer end printer.

Workshop in the Project Cultural Awareness 2017​

The Cultural Tour Office is under construction. 2017​

Singing and Dance for Health 2014​


Tamale Youth Home​ Cultural Group

​State Street, former Regional Administration Road Tamale,

Northern Region - Ghana

​P.O. Box 601, Tamale, Ghana, West Africa

​Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed, Group-leader: Tel. +233 244708222 /+233 203636908

​Ibrahim Zakaria, Assistant leader: Tel.  +233 242315820

All photos can be copied with reference to this homepage