Classes and performances

​Youth Home has a big outdoor stage. We use it for rehearsals, competitions, workshops, performances and bands.

We provide classes in drumming and dance for individuals as well as groups. TYHCG has several experienced teachers who have provided workshops in both Ghana and abroad.

We have performed for a huge variaty of audiences all over Ghana as well as abroad. 

You are mostly welcome to book classes or performances.

Selected performances in latest years

- 60 years anniversary of independence. Independence Square Accra.

- Gariba Lodge, Tamale.

- Professor Benn Ayettey, Artistic director of Ghana Dance

 Ensemble and professor at Legon University, Accra. Performances. 

- International Youth Day, Osu Castle, Accra

- Alliance Francais. Accra. Together with The Bizung Family.

-.Jubelee Park. Tamale. 

- Oasis Restaurant. Tamale. Invited by Ghana Tourist Authority.

- Radach Lodge & Conference Center. Invited by CR'S Ghana. 

- Opening Ceremony of s new Bank in Tamale.

- Salute for his Royal Highness Dagban Demanaa, Northern Region

- Send off party for a friend from Germany.

- Agricultural Show performance, Kumasi. TYHCG was selected to represent Northern Region. 

- University for Development Studies. Tamale.

​- Commision of Tamale Interchange,

University of Development, Tamale 2022​

University of Development, Tamale 2022 ​

optræden for presidenten 1 Performance for President and vicepresident of Ghana at CommisionTamale Interchange May 2022.  

Tamale Youth Home​ Cultural Group

​State Street, former Regional Administration Road Tamale,

Northern Region - Ghana

​P.O. Box 601, Tamale, Ghana, West Africa

​Abdul-Rahaman Mohammed, Group-leader: Tel. +233 244708222 /+233 203636908

​Ibrahim Zakaria, Assistant leader: Tel.  +233 242315820

All photos can be copied with reference to this homepage